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Building on Cracked Foundations 

June 19, 2024


We must attend to the foundation on which we build. If we are to erect our dreams, it must be with consideration for how and where we build. 


As you undertake a new effort, are you sure to:


-have proper rest and diet cognizant that you can only push as far as your physical health will take you

-do it with balance so your effort can be sustained


-do it in partnership with others recognizing it is impossible to be all things to any project or person 


If you answered no to any of these questions, you may be building on a cracked foundation or from the wrong place.


For years I built or strove incessantly because I was running from poverty. I was wholly consumed by my commitment to providing for my family and being good enough for others. 


In time, I discovered there was no amount of titles or accolades that could make me feel better about me. Worth is not something we can put on. It must come from within. I also had to develop an identity beyond being a dutiful mom, as my children matured.


Today, I am mindful that the strongest foundation is one founded on running to my dreams instead of running away from my fears.


I am also mindful of the “To Do List” gone awry. If you maintain a To Do List that routinely does not include the things you need to operate optimally, you may be building on a cracked foundation. Moreover, if you go 48 hours or more without including your needs on your To Do List, you are breaking your foundation. 


It is imperative to budget time to rest, renew and review. Make time for rest each day. This may feel like a given. However, as a recovering workaholic, I can attest to routinely signing up for overtime, working overtime, while never making time for exercise. When we put this vital task on our To Do List, we are much more likely to accomplish it.


Similarly, we must make time for renewal. It is the only way to effectively renew our efforts. Falsely, we believe we can “pour from empty cups” without consequence. As a heart attack survivor, I can affirm that we all eventually pay the toll for not prioritizing self care. Now, I make time daily for the renewing of my mind and spirit through prayer, meditation and grounding.


We must also make time to “review,” or check in with ourselves to ensure:








I strongly encourage you to check for clarity often. Make it a practice to ask yourself:


1. Why am I doing what I do?


2. Is this still what I need to be doing?


3. Am I leading, living and loving as I intended?


Also check for consistency. Ask yourself:


1. Is this consistent with values?


2. Is it in alignment with my purpose, strengths and gifts?


3. Does it serve my highest good?


Most importantly, ask yourself are maintaining connection, connection with:




-your support system?


-your purpose?


In the absence of this important inquiry you may be building on shaky ground!

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